Personal Data
Personal Data
Data Sharing
National Data is an information system that has been developed to make increased use of information from medical records with the intention of improving health services.
Information will be held in a secure environment called the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC). The role of the HSCIC is to ensure that high quality data is used appropriately to improve patient care. The HSCIC has legal powers to collect and analyse data from all prviders of NHS care. They are committed, and legally bound, to the very highest standards of privacy and confidentiality to ensure that your confidential information is protected at all times.
The information gathered by the programme can be used by NHS organisations to plan and design services better, using the best available evidence of which treatments and services have the greatest impact on improving patients' health. So ultimately, sharing your information will benefit YOU.
Summary Care Record (SCR) is a record that will contain important information about any medicines you are taking, allergies you suffer from and any bad reactions to medicines that you have had. This does not include diagnoses or procedures. Giving healthcare staff access to this information can prevent mistakes being made when caring for you in an emergency or when your GP practice is closed.
Hampshire Health Record (HHR) is an electronic summary record for people living in Hampshire, Portsmouth and Southampton. GP surgeries, hospitals, social care and community care teams collect information about you and store it electronically on separate computer systems. This record contains more information than the SCR, but is only available to organisations in Hampshire.
EMIS Web Data Sharing. The practice uses a clinical computer system called EMIS Web to store your medical information. The system is also used by other GP practices, Child Health Services, Community Services, Hospitals, Out of Hours, Palliative Care services and many more. This means your information can be shared with other clinicians so that everyone caring for you is fully informed about your medical history, including medication and allergies.
CPRD. The practice contributes to the Clinical Practice Research Datalink. Information in patient records is important for medical research to develop new treatments and test the safety of medicines. This practice supports medical research by sending some of the information from patient records to the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD). CPRD is a Government organisation that provides anonymised patient data for research to improve patient and public health. You cannot be identified from the information sent to CPRD. If you do not want anonymised information from your patient record to be used in research, you can opt out by speaking to your doctor. For more information about how your data is used, visit
YOU HAVE A CHOICE. If you are happy for your information to be used in this way, you do not have to do anything. You have the right to prevent confidential information about you from being shared or used for any purpose other than providing your care, except in special circumstances.
If you would like further information, this can be found at
If you wish to opt out, more information can be found at

This practice is participating in a national surveillance programme that provides continuous monitoring of infectious diseases in the community.
To find out more, click here.